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01. jaanuar 2011 23:22
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Supplementary regulations

ADDINOL - Saaremaa Amateur Rally 2011
January 21-22, 2011

Rally organizer: Nigula Auto- ja Motoklubi


Time: Monday, December 20, 2010 at 10.00
Place: www.rally.ee

Open: Monday, December 20, 2010 at 10.00
Closed: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 16.00
Place: www.rally.ee

The entry fees are as follows:
20.12.2010-18.01.2011 till 16.00 classes 4WD, 1600, 1600+, SU, J27 crew 100 EUR.
20.12.2010-18.01.2011 till 16.00 class J18 crew 50 EUR.
20.12.2010-18.01.2011 till 10.30 team 50 EUR. (see 13.2.)

Time: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 11.00
Place: www.rally.ee

Place: Rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Friday, January 21, 2011 at 19.00-22.00 (free schedule)
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 06.30-10.30 (free schedule)

Place: Rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Friday, January 21, 2011. at 19.00-22.00
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 06.30-10.30

SCRUTINEERING (Timetable Art. 5.6)
Place: Kärla Põllumajandusühistu building (1 Ülejõe st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 07.30-10.45 (art 5.6.1.)

Place: Rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Friday, January 21, 2011 at 19.00-22.00
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 06.30-10.30

Place: O.N.B., rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 11.00

Place: TC0, Service Park, Kogula old airfield (Mõnnuste, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 12.00

Place: TC0A, near to rally HQ, Pargi St (Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011 kell 12.00
GPS 58° 19´44 N 22° 15´29 E

Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011
12.00 - rally start (starting time of the 1st car). Leg 1, section 1 overall 35,33 km, 3 special stages total 3,90 km
13.15 - first car lõpetab I ringi I osa, regrupeering
14.15 - start I ringi II osale kogupikkusega 36,77 km, sh 3 LK kogupikkusega 6,54 km
15.30 - esimene võistlusauto lõpetab I ringi II osa, regrupeering
16.45 - start I ringi III osale kogupikkusega 54,84 km, sh 3 LK kogupikkusega 6,03 km
19.23 - Finish Leg 1 section 3, parc ferme

Place: Pargi street (Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011. at 19.23

Place: ATT, võistluskeskus, Kärla Spordihall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 21.30

Place: Rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
Time: Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 22.00

Place: Rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla, Saare County)
Friday, January 21, 2011 at 19.00-22.00
Saturday, January 22, 2011. at 06.30-22.00

Place: Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County; 93501)
GPS 58° 19.552 N, 22° 15.124 E
Tel +372 56 752 508
E-mail nigula.amk@mail.ee
Opening hours:
Friday, January 21, 2011 at 19.00-22.00
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 06.30-23.00

Place: Rally HQ, Kärla Sports Hall (3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County)
GPS 58° 19.552 N, 22° 15.124 E
Tel (+372) 50 23 642
E-mail info@rally.ee
Opening hours:
Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 09.30-10.30.


1.1. Organizer
Nigula Auto- ja Motoklubi (Nigula Car and Motoclub)
Registration code 80277052
Address: 1 Jõusööda st, Nigula, Taebla parish, Lääne County 90801
Tel: (+372) 58 134 374; (+372) 56 752 508
E-mail: nigula.amk@mail.ee

1.2. Definition
Addinol - Saaremaa Amateur Rally will be run on January 21-22, 2011 in compliance with the international sporting code of FIA (and its appendices), the general prescriptions of amateur rallies, the eneral regulations of Autoekspert Amateur Rally Baltic Cup (and its appendices) and by the stipulations of present the supplementary regulations.

1.3. ASN visa 2/R.

1.4. Senior officials of the event
Rally director: Tajo Truuver, tel (+372) 58 134 374; (+372) 56 752 508
Clerk of the course: Aivar Parts, tel (+372) 53 470 331
Chief safety officer: Kalle Kruusma, tel (+372) 52 92 642
Chief scrutineer: Karmo Uusmaa, tel (+372) 51 33 654
Route manager: Tajo Truuver, tel (+372) 58 134 374; (+372) 56 752 508
Chief timekeeper: Ukke Sääsk, tel (+372) 53 407 170
Secretary: Pille Õlekõrs, tel (+372) 55 690 434
Chief medical officer: Ojar Eerik, tel (+372) 56 490 467
Results: Tarvo Tamm, tel (+372) 51 66 454
Chief of service park: Margus Veskmets, tel (+372) 56 649 339
Organizers car: Heino Kallas, tel (+372) 51 45 586
Competitors' relations officer: Tiit Soa, tel (+372) 55 646 392
Press relations officer: Rando Aav, tel (+372) 50 23 642

1.5. Identification of officials
1.5.1 Stage commanders and stage safery officers wearing bright vests.


Art. 2 Eligibility

2.1. Addinol - Saaremaa Amateur Rally is round 1 of 2011 Autoekspert Amateur Rally Baltic Cup (ARBC) for groups 4WD, 1600, 1600+, SU, J18 and J27.


3.1. General data
Overall length: 126,94 km
Number of special stages (SS): 9
Total distance of special stages: 16,47 km (longest 3,00 km; shortest 0,36 km)
Number of stages run twice: 2
Road surface: snow, ice, gravel
Rally consists of one (1) Leg, divided into three (3) sections.
Detailed route, timetables, time controls (TC) will be presented in the Road Book.


Art. 4 Eligible cars

4.1. The competition is open for M1 and N1 category vehicles:
4.1.1. 2WD ja 4WD standard (road) cars, which has passed the MOT. Technical passport must contained a corresponding indication.
4.1.2. 2WD sports cars (A, N, R, national group) in class J27 (juniors up to 27 years old) according to the FIA / ASN technical regulations only National sports cars must conform to technical regulations of the country who is the competitors licence holder.

4.2. Special conditions
4.2.1. A snow shovel, two reflector vests, portable extinguisher, first aid kit, warning triangle, tow rope and a flashing battery lamp with a yellow beam or a blinker are compulsory in each car.
4.2.2. Installation and use of radar detector is forbidden.
4.2.3. Extra lamps allowed (the use is only allowed on the special stages).
4.2.4. Tires classes 4.3.1.-4.3.6.
The maximum overhang is limited to 2,0 millimeters.
The weight of the stud is limited to 1,4 grams
The hardfacing diameter max 2,5 mm.
The number of studs must not exceed (per tyre):
up to 13'' 90 studs
14-15'' 110 studs
over 15'' 150 studs class 4.3.7.
Allowed to use so-called Swedish rally / FIA winter tires.
The weight of the stud is limited to 4 grams.
The length of the stud is limited to 20 millimeters.
The studs shall be solid, cylindrical and flat-cut.
Stud cross-section, shall constitute a full circle studs throughout.
Stud not be tubular, hollow inside and not worn.
Strain diameter up to 9 mm.
Diameter of the stud hardfacing center min 2,5 mm.
The body must be solid.

4.3. Classes of cars
4.3.1. 4WD (4WD road cars)
4.3.2: 1600 (2WD road cars up to 1600 ccm engine)
4.3.3: 1600+ (2WD road cars over 1600 ccm engine)
4.3.4: SU (2WD road rear wheel drive cars produced in Soviet Union)
4.3.5. Women (2WD road cars)
4.3.6. J18 (juniors up to 18 years old, with 2WD road cars)
4.3.7. J27 (juniors up to 27 years old, with 2WD sports cars up to 2000 ccm non-turbocharged engine)

4.4. Addidional accounting:
4.4.1. A separate accounting will kept of Moskvich League (ML). These cars must correspond to the ML technical regulations. ML accounting for the entry form to participate in this indication.


Art. 5 Entry form, entry deadlines

5.1. The event is open for drivers with valid national license (incl EASU amateur sports competitor card) from the North European Zone countries and international license owners.

5.2. Entry form must submitted electronically.
5.2.1. Pre-registration for the competition will take place on the internet: www.rally.ee
5.2.2. Details concerning the co-driver may be presented or specified until 10.30 on January 22, 2011 (end of documents check).

5.3. All crews must arrive in administrative checks at Rally HQ on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 19.00-22.00 or Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 6.30-10.30. Free schedule.

5.4. In order to receive the documents, both crew members have to be present at the administrative check and present all the necessary valid documents:
- copy of the completed and signed entry form
- drivers’ licences for road use (not required driver under the age of 18 or the co-driver in classes 4.3.1.-4.3.5.)
- vehicle's passport
- traffic insurance or Green Card
- drivers’ competition licence
- ASN technical card (class 4.3.7.)
- owner’s authorisation for the use of the rally car on the name of the driver (in case of need)

5.5. Competitors should be presented their racing equipment at the scrutineering.

5.6. Pre-start scrutineering
5.6.1. All cars taking part in the rally must come to pre-start scrutineering on Saturday, January 22, 2011 by the following timetable:
7.30-8.30 cars No 1-40
8.30-9.30 cars No 41-80
9.30-10.45 cars No 81-110, 0-cars, cars assigned to do repairs
5.6.2. The scrutineering will take place in building of Kärla Põllumajandusühistu (agricultural cooperative), 1 Ülejõe st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County.
5.6.3. Competition numbers, plates and advertising stickers must be affixed to the car before the scrutineering.

5.7. The maximum number of entrants is 100 cars.


Art. 6 Entry fees

6.1. The entry fees are grouped as follows:
20.12.2010-18.01.2011 till 16.00 classes 4WD, 1600, 1600+, SU, J27 crew: 100 EUR.
20.12.2010-18.01.2011 till 16.00 class J18 crew: 50 EUR.
6.1.1. The entry applications must be sent to organizer before January 18, 2011 at 16.00.
6.1.2. The abovementioned entry fees are applicable only for those accepting the full set of organiser’s advertisings.
6.1.3. The entrant may refuse to carry Organiser’s advertising before January 18, 2011 by noting that on the entry form. In this case, the entry fee will be doubled.
6.1.4. Advertising on the rally plate and competition numbers is compulsory and cannot be refused.
6.1.5. Team entry fee is 50 EUR till January 22, 2011 at 10.30 (see art.13.2)
6.1.6. The entry fee may be paid in cash (art 6.1.). The payment should be made in administrative check.

6.2. The entry forms will only be accepted, if total amount of the fee has been paid.

6.3. Insurance
6.3.1. All competition cars must hold valid traffic insurance policy or Green Card.
6.3.2. Traffic insurance covering liabilities towards third party.
6.3.3. Estonian traffic law is binding throughout the event.


7.1. Competition numbers, rally plates and advertising should be affixed on the car before the scrutineering, spaces shown on drawing in Appendix 2.

7.2. Reducing or cutting the ad stickers is forbidden.


Art. 8. General obligations

8.1. Following of the general prescriptions and supplementary regulation rules will be checked by fact judges.
8.2. Infringements will be registered on time card or transmitted from fact judges to clerk of the course.

8.3. Competition numbers
8.3.1. Organisers will provide each crew competition numbers.

8.4. Reconnaissance
8.4.1. No reconnaissance.

8.5. On special stages the crews must be fixed by the belt (safety straps) and must wear a helmet.

8.6. All crews are obliged to have a liquid-proof tarp under competition cars in service park.


9.1. Official time throughout the rally will be Estonian Time, broadcasted by ERR (Eesti Rahvusringhääling) each full hour.

9.2. The start of the rally (starting time of the first car) will be at 12.00 on January 22, 2011 at Mõnnuste (Kogula old airfield).

9.3. All crews will start at 1-minute intervals for leg 1 section 1, 2 and 3.

9.4. Crews are allowed to check in earlier to the following Time Controls: AKP 9A; AKP 9B.

9.5. Retired crew must immediately inform Rally HQ (Pille Õlekõrs, phone +372 55 690 434) of their retirement reasons, fill out the retirement form (found on the final pages of Road Book), submit the form to marshals or the road-opening car and remove competition number form the car.
9.5.1. Retired crews (if a crew is involved in accident) must immediately inform Chief scrutineer (Karmo Uusmaa, phone +372 51 33 654). The retired competition car has to be presented to the Technical Scrutineers.

9.6. Starting on a special stage
9.6.1. Time Card will be handed to the crew during the pre-start minute.
30 sec before start 1st blue light will light
15 sec before start 2nd blue light will light
10 sec before start 3rd blue light will light
5 sec before start 1st red light will light
4 sec before start 2ndred light will light
3 sec before start 3rd red light will light
2 sec before start 4th red light will light
1 sec before start 5thred light will light
START – red lights will extinguish
9.6.2. In case of false start, recorded by a beam 50 cm in front of the car, blue lights start to flash.

9.7. Servicing
9.7.1. Throughout the rally, servicing, refueling and changing of tires is allowed only in Service Parks specified in the Road Book. Refuelling is allowed in the refuel area only.

9.8. Regroupings
9.8.1. During the Rally there will be two (2) regroupings::
During leg 1 when entering service park A and in the end of section 2 when entering service park B. Starting intervals corrected, resulted from retirements and/or late arrivals.
The new target starting times will be entered on time card.

9.9. If a crew is involved in an accident in which a spectator or a crew member sustains physical injury, the drivers must report this immediately via security communications (see GP APP IV, Art 3.3). Crewmembers, failing to use OK/SOS labels, may be excluded by the decision of the Stewards.

9.10. Rally car must be moved immidiately to safe place, if it has technical malfunction or happened an accident. If the car moving is not possible, please install a warning triangle at least 50 m away from the direction of travel. Vehicle must be marked in night-time with yellow flashing light.

9.11. Trail signs (cones, barrels) moves and touches on special stages will be fixed by the fact judges.


See Appendix 1


11.1. The results of the objections can be submitted until 30 minutes after the provisional publication of the results.

11.2. Protest fee is 300 EUR.

11.3. All expenses incurred by the executed work and by the transportation of the car shall be borne by:
- the claimant if the protest is unfounded
- the competitor against whom the protest was lodged if the claim was upheld

11.4. Objections of the technical elements of the car can be submitted until 20 minutes after the last finished car.
11.4.1. If the protest requires dismantling and reassembly of different parts of a car, the claimant must pay an additional deposit specified by the scrutineers:
- for a protest involving a clearly defined part of the car (engine, transmission, steering, braking system, electrical installation, bodywork etc): fee of 60 EUR
- for a protest involving the whole car: fee of 120 EUR
11.4.2. Protest against engine capacity may be exceptional circumstances the absence of metering equipment necessary to resolve within five working days after the race. Prizes will be reallocated if the protest is righteous.


12.1. The classifications will be published on the O.N.B. according to art. 4.3.

12.2. Phases points will be accounted for competitors, who have sent ARBC entry form not later than January 19, 2011 and paid entry fee in the rally document check (ARBC art 7).


13.1. List of prizes and cups
13.1.1. Best three (3) crews in each class will be awarded with cups.
13.1.2. The competition is open for special prizes.

13.2. Team competitions
13.2.1. A team will be made up of 2-3 crews. One crew may be entered in only one team. The winning team will be the one having the smallest amount of time sums of their best two cars. In case of a tie, higher overall position counts. Exclusion of even one crew of a team results in exclusion of the whole team.
13.2.2. Best three (3) teams will be awarded with cups.


14.1. Prize giving ceremony will take place on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 22.00 in rally HQ (Kärla Sports Hall, 3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County).

14.2. In order to receive prizes the crew members are obliged to participate in the ceremony, otherwise they shall forfeit their right to any awards.

14.3. Best three (3) Moskvich League crews will be awarded (art 4.4.).


15.1. Organizers or EASU is not not responsible any accident and their consequences.


17.1. Accreditation forms should be presented to the Organisers before January 19, 2011 24.00 duly filled and signed.

17.2. Press centre location: Rally HQ (Kärla Sports Hall, 3 Kooli st, Kärla, Kärla parish, Saare County).

17.3. Press centre opens on Saturday, 22 January, 2011 at 09.30-10.30.
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