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HELP with weather Tartu rally 2004
Autor: cigorins 16.11.2004 22:26
I wanted to know what the weather is like? I heard there is snow coming, does it melt or not? what kind of tires should I wear on saturday race? Is it still gonna snow and what about temperatures??? Probably like -5 or something. Thank you,

Maris out of Riia, Latvia

Do not know exactly
Autor: kalletamm 16.11.2004 22:40
Currently in Tallinn is not freezing and temperature is above zero, but according to weather forecasts then it gonna go colder starting from tomorrow and also they think that on Friday and on Saturday it will snowing.
But http://www.ilm.ee/tartu shows that there is exactly zero degrees.
I personally think that winter tires will suit better for Tartu rally.

Autor: eq 16.11.2004 22:46
The weather can never be predicted 100% right, but there is a big chance of snow on saturday. When talking about tires, i believe it is very important to choose the right ones- 1) if there's no snow on saturday and the roads are dry, then i guess gravel tire is still the best choice 2) but if there's snow or the weather is below zero, the tire will make a difference and choosing winter tires may give you some extra grip. And somehow i have a feeling, that the second one is more probable ;). Anyway there could be some really hard conditions in Tartu...dark, muddy, snowy, icy. Keep also checking http://weather.ee/ for weather prediction.

thank you
Autor: cigorins 17.11.2004 14:21
Thanks for all the information. I will have 3 sets of tires: Gravel, cheesy snow tires (old) in case snow is muddy and I don't want to rip the new tires and Brand new Gislaved Softfrost2 (Just bought them today) in case it's really snowy ;)) Yes, I'll also check the weather websites you gave me.


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