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24. juuli 2006 4:00
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1st international rally SEB – Mulgi Rally 2006

22–23 September 2006, Viljandi

SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally
Championship for classes A, N, E
SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally
Cup for classes A, N, E
SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally
Championship for trucks
SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally
Cup for class 2nd league.

The Organiser of the competition – Sporting Club NAVAKA RACING


Time: Monday, July 24, 2006

Open: Monday, August 07, 2006 at 10.00
Closed: Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 16.00
Recce prohibited

The entry fees are as follows:
Groups A, N and E 10 5000 EEK/crew
National group E 4000 EEK/crew
Trucks 2000 EEK/crew
Team entry fee (see 13.2.) until September 22, 2006 1500 EEK/crew
2nd league 1500 EEK/crew

Place: Rally HQ and in internet www.rally.ee
Time: Friday, September 15, 2006 at 10.00

Place: Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Time: Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 09.00 – 14.00
Friday, September 22, 2006 at 07.30 - 09.00 (only 2nd league)

Time: Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 12.00 – 16.00 SS 4, SS 5
at 17.00 – 19.00 SS 1
Friday, September 22, 2006 at 08.00 – 14.00 SS 6 (SS 7, SS 10), SS 8 (SS11), SS 9 (SS 12)
Reconnaissance free SS 2 (SS 3)

Place: Siller Auto, Suur-Kaare St 69, Viljandi
Time: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 08.00 – 16.00
at 17.30 – 21.00 2nd league and trucks

Place: Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Time: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 16.10

Open: Monday, August 07, 2006 at 10.00
Closed: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 16.00

Place: Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Time: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 17.00 for Leg 1, Section 1
Friday, September 22, 2006 at 23.00 for Leg 2, Section 2
Friday, September 22, 2006 at 23.00 for trucks

STARTING LIST for 2nd league
Place: Abja-Paluoja, Service Park C, ONB
Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006 appr. at 12.30

Place: Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Time: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 16.30

RALLY START (does not concern 2nd league and trucks)
Place: Viljandi Keskväljak
Time: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 18.00

Place: Lehola Autokeskus, Riia St 53c, Viljandi
Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006 after the finish

Time: Friday, September 22, 2006
RALLY START – 337.29 km, 12 Special Stages in total 99.51 km
18.00 – Rally Start (starting time of the first car)
Leg 1, Section 1, overall 34.48 km, 3 Special Stages in total 10.39
km, including 4.84 on tarmac
19.24 – Finish (finishing time of the first car)
Leg 1, Section 1, no Parc Ferme.
23.00 – Starting List for Leg 2, Section 2

Saturday, September 23, 2006
08.00 – Start Leg 2, Section 2 in Viljandi, overall 93.41 km, 3 Special Stages in total 23.30 km.
10.38 – Finish Leg 2, Section 2
11.58 – Start Leg 2, Section 3, overall 204.40 km, 6 Special Stages in total 65.82 km

Place: Viljandi Keskväljak
Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 18.00

Place: Lehola Autokeskus, Riia St 53c, Viljandi
Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 18.10 (Parc Ferme)

Place: Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 20.00

Place: Männimäe Vabaajakeskus, Riia St 52d, Viljandi
Time: Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 21.00

September 21 – 23 at Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
September 23 at Abja-Paluoja Service Park

From August 07, 2006 till September 19, 2006
Tallinn, Paavli 6A, Sporting Club NAVAKA RACING
Phone: (+372) 56 771 990
Fax: (+372) 62 64 021
e-mail: racing@navaka.ee
Office open on working days at 16.00–17.00

From September 21, 2006 till September 23, 2006 Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Phone: (+372) 56 771 990
Fax: (+372) 43 33 994
e-mail: racing@navaka.ee

Opening hours:
Thursday September 21 08.30–21.00
Friday September 22 07.30–24.00
Saturday September 23 07.00–17.00 Abja-Paluoja Service Park
Saturday September 23 17.00–20.30 Männimäe St 26, Viljandi

Place: Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Time: Friday, September 22, 2006 at 14.00–23.00
Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 17.00–20.30
Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 10.00–17.00 Abja-Paluoja Service Park


1.1. Definition
The 1st International SEB - MULGI RALLY 2006 will be run by NAVAKA RACING on September 22-23, 2006 in compliance with the International Sporting Code of FIA (and its appendices), the General Prescriptions of FIA Rallies, the provisions of EASU National Sporting Regulations and by the stipulations of present the Supplementary Regulations.
Regulations publishing date: July 24, 2006.
ASN visa No. 81/R
FIA Sporting Calendar No. NEAFP 1.000012785

1.2. Senior officials of the event
Stewards: Mr. Juhan Mänd (Chairman) EST
Mr. Andu Värton EST Mr. Margus Karjane EST
Secretary to the Stewards Ms. Kristi Jeenas EST
EASU Safety Observer Mr. Eedo Raide EST
Rally Director Mr. Tarvo Saar EST
Clerk of the Course Mr. Aivar Parts EST
Deputy C.O.C - Route Manager Mr. Sven Heinlaid EST
Chief Safety Officer Mr. Kalle Reinart EST
Traffic Safety Officer Mr. Alvar Pähkel EST
Chief Scrutineer Mr. Voldemar Borkman EST
Chief Medical Coordinator Mrs. Marit Õun EST
Chief Timekeeper Mr. Toomas Sepp EST
Results Mr. Tarvo Tamm EST
Press Relations Officer Mr. Rein Luik EST
Competitors’ Relations Officer Mr. Tõnu Vunn EST
Secretary of the Rally Ms. Margit Viks EST
Ms. Mare Viks EST

1.2.1. Identification of officials
Competitors’ Relations Officer - red tabard
Stage Commander - red tabard
Stage Marshall - yellow tabard
Safety Marshalls - yellow tabard


2.1. SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally Championship for classes A, N, E.
2.2. SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally CUP for classes A, N, E
2.3. SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally Championship for trucks.
2.4. SEB – MULGI RALLY 2006 is round 6 of 2006 Estonian Rally Championship for 2nd league.


3.1. General data:
Overall length: 337,29 km
Number of Special Stages: 12
Total distance of Special Stages: 99,51 km including 4,84 km on tarmac
Rally consists of two (2) Legs, divided into three (3) sections
Number of stages run twice: 4
Total mileage for recce: 59,47 km
Detailed route, timetables, time controls (TC) will be presented in the Road Book.

3.2. Prohibited regions
Drivers, entrants and their representatives are strictly forbidden to visit following areas bordered by imaginary lines joining the following geographical points before 12.00, September 21, 2006:
¤ Viljandi – Raudna – Ramsi – Viljandi
¤ Kõpu – Karksi – Taagepera – Lilli – Abja-Paluoja – Kanaküla – Kõpu
Offenders found in described regions by Organisers or by police will not be allowed to start.
Prohibited regions will be issued by E.A.S.U on web sites www.autosport.ee and www.rally.ee


Art. 4. Eligible cars
Rally cars in compliance with FIA Code Appendix J for groups A and N are eligible. Also cars of national groups according to parent ASN technical regulations are allowed.

4.1. Special conditions
4.1.1. Underbody protection is allowed.
4.1.2. Mudflaps are permitted.
4.1.3. Installed fire extinguishing systems must comply with Appendix J of the FIA CSI (Art.253.7) and are:
a) compulsory for group A cars
b) compulsory for group N cars
c) recommended in all national groups by ASN stipulations
The manual extinguishers are compulsory in all groups. A first aid kit and a reflecting triangle are obligatory in every car (a flashlight with yellow beam is also strongly recommended for warning following cars)
4.1.4.Installation and use of radar detector is forbidden.
4.1.5.Only one spare turbo may be used on each Leg of the rally.
Infringement will result in exclusion.
4.1.6. Avon tyres with modified tread pattern are permitted.

4.2.Classes of cars
4.2.1. Production cars (group N)
class 1 up to 1600 cc
class 2 up to 2000 cc
class 3 over 2000 cc
4.2.2. Touring cars (group A) and World Rally Cars
class 5 up to 2000 cc
class 6 over 2000 cc
4.2.3. National cars (group E)
class 7 up to 1600 cc
class 8 over 1600 cc up to 2000 cc
class 9 over 2000 cc
class 10 4WD; 2WD turbo
class 11 Gaz 51, Gaz 52, Gaz 53 trucks
class 13 2nd league
4.3. If there will be three or less than three entrants in a class, the stewards may admit them in the next class up within the group concerned.


Art. 5. Entry form, entry deadlines
5.1.The event is open for every legal or physical entity holding a valid competitor’s licence.
5.1.1. Duly filled and signed entry form, attached to the present Supplementary Regulations, must reach the Organisers by 16.00, September 14, 2006 at the latest, accompanied by the payment of the entry fee.
Details concerning the co-driver can be specified until the end of the Scrutineering.
If the entry form is sent by fax or e-mail, the original form will be signed when receiving reconnaissance documents.
5.1.2. The following valid documents should be presented when receiving reconnaissance documents:
- duly filled and signed entry form
- valid competitor’s licence
- driver’s licences (Int licences in Groups A and N)
- ASN start permission for foreign entrants
- drivers licence for road use

5.1.3.Pre-start scrutineering
All cars taking part in the Rally must come to pre-start Scrutineering on Friday, September 22, 2006 accompanied by representative of the entrant according to the following timetable:
08.00 - 09.00 cars No 91 - 78
09.00 - 10.00 77 - 64
10.00 - 11.00 63 - 50
11.00 - 12.00 49 - 39
12.00 - 12.30 38 – 32
12.30 - 13.00 lunch
13.00 - 14.00 31 – 20
14.00 - 15.00 19 – 9
15.00 - 16.00 8 – 1 and 0- cars
17.30 - 21.00 trucks and 2nd league

Scrutineering and checking of the documents will take place in Siller-Auto, Suur-Kaare St 69, Viljandi.
Following valid documents must be presented at Scrutineering:
- vehicle’s passport
- traffic insurance or Green Card
- EASU technical card for Estonian crews
- homologation books with extensions for cars of group A and group N

Competition numbers, plates and advertising stickers must be affixed to the car before Scrutineering.
Only competition car must be present at Scrutineering. All service vehicles must be left to Service Park at KEK Trading, Männimäe St 28, Viljandi.

5.1.4. Marking of turbos will take place on Friday, September 22, 2006 according to the Scrutineering timetable.
5.1.5. There will be no Parc Ferme after Scrutineering.

5.2. The maximum number of entrants on is 120 cars.


Art. 6. Entry fees
6.1. The entry fees are grouped as follows:
groups A, N and class E 10 5000 EEK/crew
group E 4000 EEK/crew
trucks 2000 EEK/crew
team entry fee 1500 EEK/crew (see Art.13.2.)
2nd league 1500 EEK/crew

Duly filled and signed entry form, attached to the present Supplementary Regulations, must reach the Organisers by 16.00, September 14, 2006 at the latest, accompanied by the payment of the entry fee.

6.1.1. The abovementioned entry fees are applicable only for those accepting the full set of Organiser’s advertisings.
6.1.2. The entrant may refuse to carry Organiser’s advertising by noting that on the entry form. In this case, the entry fee will be doubled. Advertising on the Rally plate and competition numbers is compulsory and cannot be refused.
6.1.3. Team entry fee is 1500 EEK/crew from August 07, 2006 till September 22, 2006 at 16.00 (see Art.13.2)
6.1.4. All payments should be made to the Organiser’s bank account:
Account No 10220049639011
IBAN: EE211010220049639011
Details of payment: “intended donation to “SEB-Mulgi Rally 2006” and name of driver”

6.2. The entry forms will only be accepted, if total amount of the fee has been paid or the entry form is accompanied by a relevant letter of guarantees from ASN.

6.3. Entry fees will be refunded:
6.3.1. to applicants whose entry has not been accepted
6.3.2. 75 % in case of the rally not taking place due to Force Majeure
6.3.3. Organisers may refund 25 % of the entry fee to those unable to start due to Force Majeure, duly certified by parent ASN.

6.4. Insurance
6.4.1. All competition cars must hold valid traffic insurance policy or Green Card, covering liabilities towards third parties. Estonian Traffic Law is binding throughout the event.
6.4.2. EASU permit includes liability insurance towards third parties on Special Stages up to 4.000.000 EEK (Seesam Kindlustuse AS no.5/32616)


7.1. Competition numbers, rally plates and advertising should be affixed on the car before Scrutineering, spaces shown on drawing in Appendix 1 and remain on the cars until the end of the rally. Reducing or cutting the ad stickers is forbidden.
Infringement results in a cash penalty of 5000 EEK.


Art.8.General obligations
8.1. Checking the accordance of drivers’ helmets and equipment to FIA and EASU regulations will take place at Scrutineering.

8.2. Following of the recce, General Prescriptions and Supplementary Regulation rules will be checked by Fact Judges. The List of Fact Judges and their duties will be published in a bulletin.

8.3. Infringements will be registered on Time Card.

8.4. Competition numbers, rally plates
8.4.1. Organisers will provide each crew with a rally plate to be affixed to the front of the car for the duration of the rally (Appendix 1). This plate must not, even partially, cover the car’s licence plate.
8.4.2. Organisers will provide each crew with two competition numbers, to be affixed on both front doors of the car for the duration of the rally.

8.5. Reconnaissance
8.5.1. The reconnaissance materials will be available for competitors at Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi
Thursday, September 21, 2006 from 09.00 – 14.00
Friday, September 22, 2006 from 07.30 – 09.00 (2nd league).
The penalties imposed on those violating the recce rules (being on stages more times than stated in the Regulations) are as follows:
1st infringement – 5000 EEK cash penalty
2nd infringement – up to start refusal
8.5.2. When signing for recce documents, competitors must inform the Organisers on details of the reconnaissance car, mobile phone numbers and place of accommodation during the Rally.
8.5.3. Reconnaissance is allowed according to the following schedule:
SS 2 (SS 3) free, speed limit 50 km/h
NB! SS 2 (SS 3) is partly opposite direction to the ordinary traffic and on these sections reconnaissance must take place on foot or same direction with ordinary traffic.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
12.00 – 16.00 SS 4, SS 5
17.00 – 19.00 SS 1
Friday, September 22, 2006
08.00 - 14.00 SS 6 (SS 7, SS10), SS 8 (SS 11), SS 9 (SS 12)

Only three (3) passages may be driven on each road section to be used as stages, runs will be registered by Fact Judges
Unauthorised early reconnaissance before 12.00, September 21, 2006, will result in start refusal (Art. 3.2.)

8.5.4. Crews are not allowed to drive in the opposite direction of the Rally on the stages.
8.5.5. A maximum speed limit of 80 km/h is imposed on all stages during reconnaissance unless a lower limit is indicated by traffic signs, Organiser’s signs or set by Road Book. The crews must follow the Estonian Traffic Law and drive in a manner which does not endanger other traffic or cause inconvenience for people living near the stage roads.
Organiser and Police will check following of the reconnaissance rules. Infringements will be penalized. Use of radar detectors is forbidden under pain of start refusal.
Penalties for speeding during the reconnaissance:
- 1st infringement - cash penalty 1000 EEK
- 2nd infringement - cash penalty 2000 EEK
- 3rd infringement - decision of the Stewards
8.5.6. Reconnaissance cars
Reconnaissance may be carried out using series production cars for general road traffic that are in conformity with the Traffic Law (FIA GP Art. 14.3).
Tires have to comply with the Traffic Law.
The penalties imposed on those violations:
1st infringement – 5000 EEK cash penalty
2nd infringement – decision of the Stewards
Checking and marking of recce vehicles will be carried out at Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi, during the issuing of recce documents.

8.6. The overall deadline to settle all the imposed cash penalties is 16.00, on September 22, 2006, Rally HQ, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi.

8.7. All infringements of the reconnaissance regulations will be reported to the Stewards, who may impose penalties on the basis of Art.152 of FIA CSI. Relevant reports may be handed over to offender’s ASN.


9.1. Official time throughout the Rally will be Estonian Time, broadcasted by Eesti Raadio each full hour. The official rally radio is “RAADIO 3” (97,9 FM).

9.2. The start of the Rally (starting time of the first car) will be at 18.00 on September 22, 2006 at Viljandi Keskväljak.
9.2.1. The cars have to arrive at the pre-start area 10 minutes before their target starting times. Parking according to Road Book
There will be no Parc Ferme in the starting area (no service allowed).
9.2. 2. Trucks will start on September 23 at TC 3B according to their starting times.
9.2. 3. 2nd league cars will start on September 23 at Abja-Paluoja SP C according to their starting times.
9.3. All crews will start at 2-minute intervals for Leg 1 and at 1-minute intervals for Leg 2.

9.4. Issuing of new Time Cards during the rally
The competitors will receive new Time Cards in the following Time Controls: TC 0, TC 3B, TC 6A, TC 9A, TC 12A

9.5.. Crews are allowed to check in earlier to the following Time Controls: TC 3A and TC 12D. Retired crews must immediately inform Rally HQ (phone +372 56 771 990) of their retirement reasons, leave the time card to the nearest TC and remove competition numbers and rally plate from the car, excluding in case crew wishes to continue competing according to Art. 9.8. of SR.

9.6. Starting on a Special Stage
Time Card will be handed to the crew during the pre-start minute.
30 sec before start 1st blue light will light
15 sec before start 2nd blue light will light
10 sec before start 3rd blue light will light
5 sec before start 1st red light will light
4 sec before start 2ndred light will light
3 sec before start 3rd red light will light
2 sec before start 4th red light will light
1 sec before start 5thred light will light
START – red lights will extinguish
In case of false start, recorded by a beam 50 cm in front of the car, blue lights start to flash.

9.7. Servicing
Throughout the rally, servicing and changing of tires is allowed only in Service Parks specified in the Road Book. Refuelling is allowed only in the Refuel Area. Infringements will result in exclusion. Service cars only with appropriate stickers issued by organiser is allowed in the Service Park. Recce cars are not allowed to enter the Service Parks.
9.7.1. Each crew must have at least 3x5 m big waterproof cover under the car at the Service Parks.

9.8. Regroupings
During the Rally there will be three (3) regroupings:
during Leg 2 when entering Service Parks C, D – starting intervals corrected, resulted from retirements and/or late arrivals. The new target starting times will be entered on Time Card.
at the finish of Leg 1 Section 1 – according to the results of Special Stages. New starting time will be published on ONB on September 22, 2006 at 23.00.
Crews who have retired on the first day may re-start by the permission of the Clerk of the Course, Technical Scrutineers and the Chief Medical Co-ordinator on the following conditions:
a crew who has failed to get an entry on Time Card (has retired on a Special Stage or a road section following an SS) may re-start a subsequent Leg if he:
a) Informs no later than 22.45 the Clerk of the Course, Technical Scrutineers and Chief Medical Co-ordinator of his retirement on the present Leg and of the wish to re-start the subsequent Leg.
b) Makes an appointment with the Technical Scrutineers for scrutineering before servicing and makes an appointment with the Chief Medical Co-ordinator for examination of the crew.
c) Completes an application for re-start (included in the Road Book) and presents it to the Clerk of the Course, signed by Technical Scrutineers and the Chief Medical Co-ordinator.
d) Presents the car to the Technical Scrutineers in Service Park for scrutineering after servicing.
The car has to be shown to the Technical Scrutineers at Viljandi Service Park before 23.00 on September 22, 2006. For each uncompleted Stage the crew will receive a 5-minute time penalty which will be added to the best time of that SS in their own class . Best time in class will be determined amongst results of non-retired competitors.
e) In case of retirement during the road section after the last SS, the crew will also receive a 5-minute time penalty. During the transportation of the retired car to the Service Park, Art. 12.1.2 and 12.2.1 – 12.2.4 of FIA General Prescriptions are not held valid. Starting time for crews, who have retired and receive permission to re-start will be issued by the Clerk of the Course, who considers safety. The maximum SS time decreed in Estonian National Championship Rally regulations is used during the Rally, formula of which is M=L x 1,2, where M is maximum time in minutes, seconds etc., L is length of the SS in km’s. Maximum time is set for crews, who exceed the maximum time limit on the SS.
After the TC 12C there will be holding area for formal finish.
9.9. If a crew is involved in an accident in which a spectator or a crew member sustains physical injury, the drivers must report this immediately via security communications (see GP APP IV, Art 3.3). In any case, the OK/SOS signs from Road Book have to be used. Crew members, failing to do so, may be excluded from the Rally by the decision of the Stewards.


See Appendix 2

Penalties imposed by the Stewards of the Meeting:

FIA 3.3.6 Incorrect, fraudulent or unsporting action (up to exclusion)
FIA 7.1 Third party on board (up to exclusion)
FIA 8.1.1 Itinerary in Road Book (up to exclusion)
FIA 11.4 Towing or transporting the car (up to exclusion)
FIA 11.5.1/2 Road blocking, unsportmanship (up to exclusion)
FIA 12 Servicing, refuelling (up to exclusion)
FIA 15.1.3/5. Car does not comply, homolog.form (up to start refusal)
FIA 18.1.9 Instructions of the Marshals (up to exclusion)
FIA 18.6.12 Failure to respect the rules concerning the check-in procedure (up to exclusion)
FIA 18.8.1 Notable late arrival between TC-s or Legs or throughout the Rally (up to exclusion)
FIA 19.8 Repeated false start on SS (up to exclusion)
FIA 19.10 Refusal to start on SS (up to exclusion in addition to penalty time)
FIA 19.14 Assistance on SS (up to exclusion)
FIA 19.19.1 Competitors’ safety after accident (cash penalty)
FIA App IV p.2.5 Accident reporting (up to exclusion)
FIA App IV, p.3.4.5 Not using OK/SOS signs (up to exclusion)
SR 8.5/6. Reconnaissance (up to start refusal)


11.1. Protest fee, set by ASN, is 5000 EEK.

11.2. If the protest requires dismantling and reassembly of different parts of a car, the claimant must pay an additional deposit specified by the Scrutineers:
- for a protest involving a clearly defined part of the car (engine, transmission, steering, braking system, electrical installation, bodywork etc.): fee of 1000 EEK
- for a protest involving the whole car: fee of 2000 EEK

11.3. All expenses incurred by the executed work and by the transportation of the car shall be borne by
- the claimant if the protest is unfounded
- the competitor against whom the protest was lodged if the claim was upheld

11.4. If the protest is unfounded and if the actual expenses incurred by the protest are higher than the deposit amount, the difference shall be borne by the claimant. Conversely if the expenses are smaller, the difference shall be returned to them.

11.5. Appeal fees:
ASN 10 000 EEK
FIA 4600 EUR


12.1. The classifications will be published on the O.N.B. according to Art. 21.2.1. of FIA General Prescriptions in classes and groups described by Art. 4.2–4.5. of the Supplementary Regulations.


13.1. List of prizes and cups
13.1.1. Best six (6) crews in overall classification will be awarded with cups and non-monetary prizes.
13.1.2. Best three (3) crews in each class will be awarded with cups (also 2nd league junior drivers).
13.1.3. If less than a five crews start in a class, only the winner will be awarded.

13.2. Team competitions
A team will be made up of 2 or 3 crews. Every holder of a registrator’s licence or their representative may enter one or more teams to the competition. One crew may be entered in only one team. Three (3) best teams will be awarded. The winning team will be the one having the smallest amount of time sums of their best two cars. In case of a tie, higher overall position counts. Exclusion of even one crew of a team results in exclusion of the whole team.

13.3. Best three (3) teams will be awarded with cups.


14.1. Prize giving ceremony will take place on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 21.00 in Männimäe Vabaajakeskus, Riia St 52d, Viljandi.
Access only with Rally ID Card issued by organiser.

14.2. In order to receive prizes the crew members are obliged to participate in the ceremony, otherwise they shall forfeit their right to any awards.


15.1. Possibility to book rooms
Grand Hotel Viljandi
phone: +372 43 55 800, fax: +372 43 55 805, info@ghv.ee
Hotell Centrum Viljandi
phone: +372 43 51 100, fax: +372 43 51 130, bron@centrum.ee
Kivi Turismitalu, Ramsi
phone: +372 43 40 161, fax +372 43 40 162, info@kivitalu.ee
Männiku Metsatalu, Intsu küla
phone: +372 43 98 540, fax +372 43 47 710, info@metsatalu.ee


16.1. Accreditation forms should be presented to the Organisers before September 15, 2006.

16.2. Press centre opens on Friday, September 22, 2006 at 14.00, Viljandimaa Noortekeskus, Männimäe St 26, Viljandi.

Appendix 1

Spaces to be reserved for Organiser’s advertising stickers (see principal drawing).

Pos 1 number plates 2pcs 50x50 cm - SEB-Mulgi Rally 2006
Pos 2 rally plate 1 pc 50x22 cm - SEB-Mulgi Rally 2006
Pos 3 advertising 1 pc up to 50x10 cm - Reserved to EASU
Pos 4 advertising 2 pcs up to 40x20 cm - Reserved
Pos 5 advertising 2 pcs up to 30x20 cm - Reserved
Pos 6 advertising 1 pc up to 50x20 cm - Reserved
Pos 7 advertising 2 pcs up to 40x20 cm - Reserved

Appendix 3


Mr. Tõnu Vunn

Appendix 2

Art. X Recapitulation of penalties

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21.07.2024 21:14
WRC Tet Rally Latvia 2024 (0)
12.07.2024 15:16
ERC Delfi Rally Estonia 2024 (1)
25.06.2024 22:18
Drivestonia 2024 (0)
16.06.2024 07:42
Crosskartide rallisprint 2024 Vasalemmas (0)
27.05.2024 09:59
RallyX 2024 Kouvola Finland (0)
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